Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Although I forgot last week, I have dedicated Wednesdays to be WEE (Wednesday's Embarrassing Encounters) posts until I run out of embarrassing moments (or at least run out of ones I'll admit to).

WARNING! This post has been rated PG-13 by the MPAA (marvelle posting academy of America). It contains brief nudity and may be inappropriate for children under the age of 13. (or for my mom)

During my sophomore year at Ricks College, my boyfriend Patrick and I drove up into the Tetons to play in the snow (he was from Houston so snow was such a novelty to him). We were able to jump on the snow and break through the crust and sink ourselves in the snow up to our waists or higher. It was so much fun except for one minor detail. Once we climbed back in the car and turned on the heat, all that snow turned to water. My pants were soaking wet and it was highly uncomfortable not to mention chilly. I finally decided to wiggle out of them and try to let them dry. Patrick had a small blanket in the car that I could use to keep myself modestly covered (as long as I was sitting down).

The problem was that it was a very small blanket and didn't wrap completely around me. When we arrived back at my apartment, my pants weren't dry so I decided just to carry them in. Patrick pulled up close to my apartment door and I very carefully backed out of the car (so he couldn't see my exposed posterior). I orchestrated a clever maneuver in order to hold the blanket between the door frame and my hip as I opened my apartment door and then very carefully backed into my apartment closing the door safely behind me. I knew all my roommates were gone so I patted myself on the back for successfully making it into my apartment without being seen by anyone.
Then I turned around to head to my bedroom only to see my friend, Gary, sitting at our kitchen table doubled over in laughter. He had witnessed the whole scene and had had a great view of my exposed buttocks. Yes, I had just mooned him.

I fled to my bedroom, slammed the door, and yelled for Gary to go away. He just kept laughing and begging me to come out saying "It's no big deal. It was just your butt!" I was so embarrassed. I refused to come out until he bribed me with a hot fudge sundae from McDonalds (yes, I'm a sucker for chocolate and he knew it!).

Mom, if you're still reading this, I warned you!

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