Thursday, July 9, 2009

another weird quirk

One of my weird quirks (and there are many) is my inability to sit back and say, "I'm done."

For example, every Christmas I start early in the year. I try to get presents made or shopped for before Thanksgiving. I make my Christmas cards in July or August and address the envelopes in October. I make candy and bake breads in November and freeze them. You get the picture.

Still, every year I keep going right up until Christmas. I never reach a point where I think I've finished. If I have completed everything on my list, I just add to my list. There is always one more activity I can do with my children or a new kind of candy that I could try to make.

Girls' Camp this year is no different. We are attending a high-adventure boy scout camp and they do most of the work. I don't have to worry about food or tents. So, once youth conference was over and my sister left for Texas, I focused once more on girls' camp. Not a lot to do except collect the remaining paperwork from the Young Women. I couldn't let it go at that. No, not me. I decided I had to make handouts with treats or small gifts attached with scriptures or thoughts that tie to our theme. Then, I decided I had to make cookies so the girls could enjoy some of my homemade goodies.

We better hurry up and leave before I decide I have to carve personalized oars for each girl for our kayaking adventure. jk.

Seriously, when will I learn to say, "I'm done. It's all good.?" Does anyone else do this or is it just me?


  1. You make me laugh! I would like a personalized kayak oar!! Have fun at girls camp

    P.S. I have your book for July book club. I just need to drop it by your house.

  2. I am so like this...but I've learned to slow down with these little girls! The first year I went to camp on Stk STaff I ended up making nightly treats for EVERY WARD 500+ because we stayed 4 nights---ANYWAY when I got around to packing I was out of time! I suffered greatly and forgot lots of neccessities:)
    It was fun though and the girls really do remember them. I'm sure the Lord appreciates your efforts and hard work, as well.
