Sunday, July 26, 2009

the power of a Father's love

One of the activities we did at Girls' Camp was a high ropes challenge course. One of our brand-new Beehives was really scared. It took her quite a while to climb the pole. We yelled and encouraged her the entire way. She finally reached the top and then got to go down the zip line.

That should have been the fun part but she totally froze. She was so scared to go down. She didn't want to go and she didn't want to climb the pole back down. She was stuck. It didn't matter what encouragement we yelled, she was not going to budge.

Her father was at camp as one of our Priesthood leaders. He happened to walk up to the ropes course. We yelled at the young Beehive, "Your dad is here." She looked over, saw him, and grabbed the zip line and came down!

What a great parable! How many times in my life am I able to do hard things if I just recognize that my Heavenly Father is there? He will catch me if I fall.
He will bandage my wounded knees. He will even carry me when I'm too injured or tired to walk. Sometimes just knowing He will be there for me is all the encouragement I need to be able to do hard things or to endure a trial or hardship. I'm never alone!