Tuesday, July 21, 2009

things I love/hate

Five Things I Love:

1) the smell of the earth right after a lovely spring rain
2) teenage sons who aren't afraid to hug me in public
3) haircuts that mean my hair looks good with 5 minutes effort (oh wait, that hasn't happened in 25 years!)
4) finding a fantastic sale on something I really need
5) cute paper on which to write my endless lists

Five Things I Hate:

1) that my home refuses to stay clean for longer than 30 minutes
2) when I wake up at 4:30 am on a Saturday
3) when I forget ONE thing at the store
4) that chocolate is not fat/calorie free
5) that I have a strange compulsion to finish a book even when I'm not enjoying it


  1. hello! its sabrina, daniel's wife. just got your blog from kari. You are such a funny adn talented writer! i think our "hate list" is identical:)

  2. Those 5 things you hate are mine as well!

    As for the thing I love, we share #3, but it has never happened (I just keep hoping).
