Saturday, March 27, 2010

every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man!

Alec went to Prom last night.

Things have changed since I went to Prom. Now it is an all-day affair. The girls picked up Alec in the morning for the day activity.Sam, Alec, Tanner, and Alex (like how they are all boys' names?)

Their day activity was eating lunch and tie-dyeing t-shirts.

I think Alec looks great in his tuxedo!

I know that I got a little carried away with all the pictures but this is an event that I NEVER dreamed would happen when Alec was diagnosed with Down syndrome, so it makes it all the more special to me! He had a great time!


  1. he looks so handsome! what a great group of kids!

  2. He looks SO handsome and ALL grown-up. She's a cute, cute girl. Hope he had fun:)
