Saturday, May 8, 2010

Texas rules follow-up

For those of you who read this blog entry on rules, here is a follow-up story on how a Texas elementary student was given a week's detention for having a Jolly Rancher candy at the lunch table.

Thank goodness I didn't screw up and send my nephews and niece with a Hershey's kiss in their lunch!


  1. what would my kids eat at lunch if they couldnt have candy?!

  2. Hey, don't knock Texas! That story was a fluke. Yeah, we can't sell candy or sodas in our vending machines, but my students are always eating junk. And I occassionally give out candy as a treat to them without any fear of getting in trouble. :)

  3. Sorry! No offense intended. I found the story humorous! (and I know that even the State of Texas said the school completely overreacted in giving the girl a week of detention!
