Monday, May 31, 2010

resolution check-up

I can't believe another month has gone by and it's once again time for a check-up on my goals.

Lose weight - Doing okay on this one. The weight loss has slowed considerably and has been more about maintenance. I'd like to get re-motivated to lose more.

Earn YW Medallion - Progressing well here. Finished one more project. I'm basically down to one project and one achievement. I am considering waiting for McKayla so we can get our medallions together. That would be really cool!

Write my grandma's life history - I have spent several hours working on this during the month. Yeah! I am making progress. I've got over 25 pages written but still have a lot more to write and then it's going to take quite a bit of editing. I still wonder if I'll be able to pull this one off by the end of the year.

Do major projects early
CPE - I did 12 hours this month bringing my total for year to 44 hours. I'm probably done for the year since 40 hours a year is what I need. -FINSIHED
Christmas cards - I didn't work on this one at all this month.
nieces and nephews birthday presents - FINISHED!
Christmas gifts - I finished several more.

Write a book - I worked on this one a couple of times during the month but my progress is still very slow.

Get 7 hours of sleep per night - I didn't do too badly on this one until last week. It was horrid and now I've got a terrible cold (probably a result of stress and the lack of sleep).

Conclusion: Again this month I am content with my progress. I'd like to focus more on the book. Also, next month I'd like to be able to report progress (or near completion) on my Christmas cards.


  1. Keep up the good work!

  2. you didnt even sleep at all last week! with some of your kids out of school soon, i hope you take advantage of it and sleep a bit after class!
