Sunday, January 2, 2011

what have you done with my name?

Marvelle is a very unusual name. Before I graduated college and began work at the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) they knew Marvelle was coming but didn't know anything else about me. Rumor has it that they expected a big black woman. They were surprised to get me. I thought it was funny that they thought Marvelle sounded like a black name. Then, years later I saw a black NFL football player while watching TV and his name guessed it - Marvelle.

I've had it mispronounced forever and in a lot of different ways. However, I've always liked the uniqueness of my name.

About 10 years ago I was totally shocked to see an obituary in the Ogden paper for a Marvelle Morgan! Can you believe it? What are the odds that someone would have my exact name? This time she was white and elderly.

Then today I was on my favorite book tracking site (Goodreads) and what do I happen to notice in the advertising section? This:
Aargh! What have you done with my good name? A Harlequin romance? really?

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