Monday, January 25, 2010


I am NOT cool! But at least I recognize it and don't try to act like I am -- at least most of the time I don't.

Last Friday one of my students asked me to call him "Nate-dog". Here's how it went.

Me: I can't pull off "dog". It's just not my personality.

Nate: Sure you can!

Me: No, really, I can't. I'm not a "dog" type person.

Nate: I think you can. You seem cool. Give it a try.

Me: No, I'm not cool. I'm not sure I was ever cool but I definitely haven't been for years.

Nate: C'mon. One time.

Me: (stupid me) Okay, Nate-dog.

Nate: (laughing) You're right. You can't pull it off.

Great. Now I'm not only uncool but I'm also embarrassed.


  1. hee hee. ya i could never pull that one off:)

  2. Thank you for the good laugh!!! Now I can't stop.
