Sunday, January 24, 2010

life keeps going

Our internet has been out since Friday night. Aargh!

I had an absolutely CRAZY day on Friday so the first chance I had to post anything would have been Friday night about 9:15 pm. First, though, I needed to check my email because it contained the address for my daughter's 7 am soccer game.

Guess what?

No internet!

I wish the world had stopped right then and there because I found out how much I RELY on internet access.

I just thought I'd try again in the morning before leaving.

Nope! Still no access.

Now it's 6 am and I am leaving for an unspecified location in Murray. Luckily, I had a vague idea of where it might be and after a few wrong turns we did manage to stumble across the indoor soccer field.

Whew! One crisis avoided!

Later that day I needed a recipe.

Oops! Only on the internet. Figure something else out.

Then, needed the internet to find the story I wanted to use for my Sunday School lesson.

No joy!

Seriously began to wonder how I ever functioned before the internet.

Thank goodness that access is now restored! I can function once more.

1 comment:

  1. without the internet, i would curl up in a ball and cry...
    glad you are back!
