Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

I love both my father and the father of my children.

Five reasons I love my dad:

1) I always knew he was proud of me because he'd brag about me to his friends and co-workers in my presence.
2) He was always one of the first to welcome a new family into the neighborhood and to help them get moved in and settled.
3) He's one of the smartest people I know and can converse intelligently about almost anything.
4) He helped foster my love of books by setting a good example of reading.
5) He taught me to shoot a gun, mow a lawn, change a tire, etc

Five reasons I love my husband in his role as a dad:

1) He spends time with our children (playing, watching movies, reading to them, etc)
2) He sets a good example for them on how to treat others
3) He uses his Priesthood power to bless every one of our children (and me).
4) He has taught our children how to fix things, mow lawns, plant gardens, prepare talks, etc
5) He balances me out (If I over-react, he stays calm. If I've had it, he comes home fresh. If I'm too strict, he relaxes things. And vice-versa on all of it!) We complement each other nicely.

Happy Father's Day!

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