Sunday, February 21, 2010

this is what they mean

Those of you familiar with the LDS church know that we "sustain" our church leaders. When they are called to serve in a particular position, we raise our hands and basically promise to support them in their calling.

A few monthys ago, Kevin was called to serve in the Stake Young Men's Presidency. I did raise my hand to sustain him. I am not positive I knew what I was promising! Here's a glimpse of what that support meant this week:

Yep! 404 fresh-baked cookies. 33 1/2 dozen pans put into the oven (one at a time). Over 6 1/2 hours.



  1. What a Woman! How many books did you get read?

  2. Not even a dozen pages. I guess running to the oven every 12 minutes is not even conducive to good reading.

  3. how many are left over? actually, dont tell me. i would have to come help you clean them up if i knew...

  4. That is when you call your friends and say HELP!!!!! They looked yummmmy...
