Sunday, March 22, 2009

scary religion

I just finished reading "Escape". It is Carolyn Jessop's memoir of how she escaped the FLDS culture and a life of polygamy. The account is harrowing. What surprised me the most is how closely our beliefs are related. It shouldn't have. Obviously, since the FLDS broke off from the LDS church we have a lot of beliefs that stem from the same source. However, it seems to me that Warren Jeffs took a lot of those beliefs and twisted them just a little or pushed them to an extreme. That's the scary part. That is how the devil does his best work. He takes something good and twists it just a little so it still looks a lot the same but is now evil. For example, taking the doctrine of the priesthood holder as patriarch of the home and twisting it to make all women subservient to their husband and relying completely on him and his mercy to take you into heaven with him. I am so glad for a respectful husband who treats me as a valued, equal partner!

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