Saturday, April 28, 2012


I spent Thursday and Friday up at a friend's cabin in Heber. Two nights and 2+ days away from home. I used to NEED these retreats as a little break from "motherhood" and I'd come back refreshed and feeling like a better mother. Now I don't feel the NEED to get away. However, I really appreciate the time to just focus on projects and get stuff done.

  •  the food - yum!!! and I only had to fix 1 meal getting so much done - I finished all 21 mini scrapbooks for my YW complete with a note to each one of them. I also sewed 17 rows of 20 denim squares each together in preparation for a denim quilt. I cut the fabric for a tote bag for myself and got it laid out and pinned together.
  •  the conversation - 4 women and endless topics 
  • chick flicks - we watched several enjoyable movies
  •  reading - read a bit both nights before sleeping
  •  naps

 The Not-So-Highs:
  • the weight gain - I do NOT want to step on a scale 
  • missing McKayla's track meet 
  • running - the canyon is up a cabin so there's no where to run but UPHILL - Ugh! It killed me!

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