Monday, November 15, 2010

let's get physical

oh! I mean let's get A physical.

Yep, I have scheduled my annual bi-annual...okay, let's face it. I almost never go to the doctor unless I am REALLY, REALLY sick. However, since I haven't had a pap smear for 9 years and since I've never had a mammogram (with a family history of breast cancer) and since I have a few minor concerns and since we still have money in our medical flex-spending account, it seemed like a good time to finally get a complete physical.

I'm not looking forward to it. Doctors can be so invasive!

I think my biggest complaint is that they take time. I have to schedule the appointment which means I'm unable to accept substituting jobs. It also means I can't get things done around the house. I can't work on Christmas projects. I can't run errands. Who has time for unnecessary doctor visits?

Alas, I am now out the door to get this over with.

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