Wednesday, April 14, 2010

the good, the bad, and the adorable

I can't tell you how much time I wasted yesterday hunting for pretzels!

Yes, that's right - pretzels. My children love pretzels in their lunch and I'd bought a HUGE bag at Costco. They were sitting on the floor because I hadn't gotten around to making room for them in the cupboard. I woke up the next morning and went to pack lunches and the pretzels were nowhere to be found. I asked my children (those still at home) and no one knew where they were. I called my husband and he didn't have a clue. You'd think that with such a large bag they would be easy to find but you'd be wrong!

Then last night I went to stick some clean socks in my Jazzercise bag and it was gone too!

I asked Alec about the pretzels and he went and dug them out of the storeroom where he'd hidden them amongst the stored clothing?!? So, I asked him about my Jazzercise bag. He came upstairs and showed me where he'd stored it in Chandler's closet. While in Chandler's closet I noticed my church bag (the one with all my manuals and so forth) which I would really have needed by Sunday. He'd hidden it in Chandler's room as well.

I just have to really wonder sometimes about what goes on in that kid's head!

Then I look at his Prom pictures and am reminded that he really can be adorable!


  1. Ha, what random hiding places! At least he tells you where they never would have found them! Pics are adorable!

  2. love the pictures! at least you can say that alec will keep you guessing!
