That's stupid with a capital S!!!
I think some of the neighborhood boys may be trying to impress McKayla. They've done things like move our trampoline to the front porch and then won't go away until she sees it. (Like that's going to impress her.)
Last night she and I were the only ones home so I was enjoying a rare moment of peace and quiet when my front door opened and a duck call went off so loudly that I truly jumped through the roof. They closed the door and then stood outside ringing the bell. McKayla didn't want anything to do with them so we locked the door and ignored them.
They honestly spent 25 minutes blowing the duck call, ringing the doorbell, pounding on the windows, honking my car horn, and yelling. (So much for peace and quiet)
McKayla finally got so mad that she yelled, "Holy crap, guys! Go away!"
Do boys really think this is the attention they want from her?
2 months ago
she is adorable, but really, i dont have that kind of energy