Thursday, November 19, 2009


Here's a few unique things I am thankful for:

1) sharp pencils and new notebooks
2) a library card that allows me to check out 25 items at a time
3) Katharine Hepburn/Spencer Tracy movies - they make me laugh!
4) contacts capable of correcting my extremely poor vision
5) my crock pot (my family would get dinner less often without it)
6) creative people who design lovely scrapbook paper and/or beautiful, interesting fabrics
7) the seat heaters in my Suburban on below freezing days
8) cover-up for the dark circles under my eyes
9) Sudoku puzzles
10) that I have thus far avoided the illnesses that have hit the rest of my family

This list is in no way to be considered all-inclusive. (I don't want anyone even daring to imagine I am not extremely thankful for the usual things - Christ, family, health, etc)


  1. yes crockpots are total life savers:) oh and i've been listening to christmas music for weeks now. i even have two friends with christmas trees up already. daniel told me no. booo hoo. perhaps i should use the explanation your student gave? :)

  2. Our library lets you check out an unlimited number of books. That's why Texas is so great. ;)

    And my dinner was crockpot served tonight. Love it!
